In the Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand state of India , one can mark Kirtinagar as a significant place . In fact Kirtinagar is an example of a nagar panchayat town .
There are several demographers who are working hard so that they can throw some light on the demographical scenario of Kirtinagar town. Over the years they have conducted numerous surveys and thus inferred several facts that are related to Kirtinagar town`s demography. One such significant document id the Census report that has been published in the year 2001. Data like literacy rate, population status etc can easily be deciphered from this report. As has been mentioned in this report, the total population of Kirtinagar has been measured to be 1040. Just like many other places in India, in Kirtinagar also males are more in number than their female counterparts. To be specific, male populace constitutes 57 % , while the population of females is 43 % only. In Kirtinagar town , 11% of the population is below six years of age.
From this report, one can also get to know the condition of Kirtinagar`s literacy as well. Being a yardstick for measuring a town`s development, high literacy rate of Kirtinagar too indicates its growth and progress. Thus 76 % is the average literacy rate which is even higher that that of the entire. 59.5 % is the average literary rate of India. On individual level also both male and female literacy rates of Kirtinagar are quite high. In fact 80 % is its male literacy rate and that of female is 70 %.
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