Nirmal is the name of a residential locale, which lies in the district of Adilabad of Andhra Pradesh state of the country. Nirmal lies close to Hyderabad-Nagpur NH. Strategically, it lies approximately at 19.1° N 78.35° E. It has an average height of 340 meters or 1115 feet.
Without discovering the demographical situation of Nirmal it becomes impossible for any one to catch hold of its salient characteristics. Keeping pace with normal trend eminent demographers have organized surveys and research works and formulated reports accordingly. In this matter a special mentioning may be made of the Census report of a particular year. Being issued forth in the year 2001 it throws certain data viz. literacy rates, population status. As has been mentioned in the report, Nirmal has shown a population counting of 75,017. A remarkable thing is that in Nirmal both male and female residents are in equal proportion. Information about children too can be deciphered from the report. Thus children who are below six years of age constitute 14 % of the total population.
Since literacy condition acts as indicator for gauging the development of a place, Nirmal`s high average literacy rate rightly confirms its growth and progress. Thus 65 % is the average literacy rate of Nirmal, which is even higher than that of India, which shows a counting of 59.5 %. To be specific, male literacy is 74 %. In comparison female literacy is much less and constitutes 56 % only.
Wooden toy industry and also special type of plates with beautiful floral designs and miniature paintings are the style marks of Nirmal. Such plates are called Nirmal Plates. Kuntala Waterfalls, found in the adjacent area, has drawn the admiration of the tourists. From the perspective of the district few lines also can be added. Being an integral part of it, Nirmal residents too stride into the footsteps of the district people. To sustain their livelihood majority of people in Nirmal has taken up the profession of cultivation. Jowar , paddy, pulses and several non- food crops are grown in abundance. The district also is rich in minerals like coal, iron ore, clay, and limestone. Industrial growth too has taken place here.
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