Kapilavastu is 110 km from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. It is an ancient city in Terai of Nepal, located close to Lumbini. It was the capital city of Sakya clan. It is at Kapilavastu that Lord Buddha was born. He spent his childhood here. It is at Kapilavastu that he renounced all the worldly pleasures and went in search of truth and salvation. The Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien described Kapilavastu as a "great scene of empty desolation". The place is an holy pilgrimage for the Buddhists. The UNESCO declared `Nepalese` Kapilavastu, along with Lumbini, as a World Heritage site.
The Archaeological Survey of India carried out an excavation between 1971 and 1977, at Kapilavastu. Of the stupas and inscription of Kushana period excavated from the site, one stupa was referred to as the Eastern Stupa by the archaeologists
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