Uttar Pradesh
Nanpara city is located in Bahraich district of the state of Uttar Pradesh of India.
In Uttar Pradesh there is no dearth of cities and towns. One such significant city is Nanpara, which is located in the district of Bahraich of the same state of India. A municipal board also has been established for supervising the administration of this Nanpara city. It is a picturesque region full of dense forestry. It lies along the Nepal Border. Strategically Nanpara lies approximately at 27.87° N 81.5° E. It has an average height of 132 meters or 433 feet.
For understanding the identifiable features of a city a person at first should gather as much information as possible about its demographical situation. In case of Nanpara the same rule is prevalent. In this matter a special mentioning may be made of the Census report of India of a specific year. It was published in the year 2001 and depicts vital information like literacy rates, population status that are related to Nanpara. According to this report the total population of Nanpara has been enumerated to be 42,771. Out of it , male populace constitutes 53 % of the population . 47 % is the total population of females in Nanpara. %. In Nanpara, 18% of the population is below six years of age.
Literacy rate too acts as vital information about Nanpara. It is noted that the average literacy rate of Nanpara constitutes 50 %, which is even lower than 59.5 %, India`s average literacy rate. Male literacy constitutes 54 %. However female literacy is less and thus constitutes 45 .
To facilitate accessibility Nanpara is well connected via rails and airports. Nanpara Junction Railway Station lying in Dudhwa - Bahraich rail route serves the purpose . Amausi Airport lies in close proximity.
Bahraich is a beautiful city located at the banks of River Saryu.
Bahraich is a beautiful city located at the banks of River Saryu. Bahraich is abounded by myths and legends. It is said that once Bahraich was the Capital of God Brahma, the maker of universe. It was also known as part of Gandharva Forest. It is said that Brahma developed this forest for Rishis & Sadhus as a place of worship.
According to Puranas, King Luv, the Son of God Ram ruled Bahraich. It is said that during the exile, Pandavas, along with their mother Kunti visited this place. Rishi Valmiki, Rishi Balark and Rishi Ashtwakra lived here. Fast flowing rivers and dense green forests add to the beauty of Bahraich.
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