While traveling in India one comes across several towns and cities that have originated here over the years. The state of Kerala too is not an exception in this regard. Amongst several towns , one distinguishes Kannapuram to be quite significant. In fact Kannapuram is an example of census town. It is situated in the district of Kannur of Kerala state of India.
With the sole purpose of identifying the demographical scenario of Kannapuram which is inevitable for the knowledge of any town , eminent demographers have conducted numerous surveys and research works and thus threw some light on its demography . In this regard it would be wrong if one does not put forth the name of Census report of the year 2001 as one of the relevant documents. Important information viz. population status, literacy rate etc can be deciphered if one properly throws a glance on this report. According to this report, the total population of Kannapuram has been enumerated to be 18,568. Out of it, information about male and female populace separately can be drawn forth. Interestingly it has been highlighted that female populace in Kannapuram is more than that of males. Thus male populace constitutes of 46 percent, while the population of females is 54 percent. . In Kannapuram town, 10 percent of the total population is below six years of age.
Not only that glimpsing the report one can decipher that the people of Kannapuram are very much oriented to education. 84 percent is the average literacy rate of Kannapuram, which is much higher than that of the whole nation. 59.5 percent is the average literacy rate of India. Not only that, individually also male and female literacy rates is quite high. Thus male literacy rate constitutes of 86 percent and the rate of female literacy is also 81 percent.
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